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About us

Since July 2010, we have been actively involved in improving the quality of management in Polish organizations.


The foundation was established out of passion, love for management and the belief that the higher the level of management and managers in Poland, the more effective and turquoise our organizations will be.


The founder and founder of our "Manage or Die" Foundation for Managerial Development is Dr. Artur Smolik, a manager by conviction, a husband by love, a father by devotion.

We believe that management is ubiquitous in our lives, and its elements can be successfully applied in the lives of each of us.

From this faith arose the saying: We are all Managers!  Sometimes Managers  in various companies and organizations,  and always Managers of your life. / as

We would like management to be widely recognized as a profession, and managers as a profession. 

The starting point for our considerations on management are, of course, the 4 elements of management: planning, organizing, motivating and controlling.  


What we do?


Foundation's goals:

The goal of the Foundation is to be active in raising the standards of practical management in Poland.

We want to create high management standards among the management staff of companies and organizations operating in Poland. We want to inspire and develop Managers by promoting  and providing factually reliable knowledge in the area of management.

We create  and implement the principles of managerial ethics.

We promote initiatives and  we implement  a culture of modern management.

These goals  we carry out by promoting and publishing materials in the form of presentations, articles, implementing development programs, recommending training courses of high substantive value.

We also gather a community of professional and experienced managers who would like to share their practical knowledge, making the next generations of managers / employees present an increasingly higher level of management.

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