Knowledge zone
We invite you to use selected substantively articles that deal with current topics in the area of management and manager development. We provide all materials free of charge and encourage you to download them for free at or on our website.
Especially for you, we search for quotes, mottos, which contain a load of reflection and inspiration, so necessary at work and manager development. We provide all materials free of charge and encourage you to download them free of charge on our website.
In the rush of publishing publications, it is more and more difficult for Managers and Managers choose valuable books, the content of which would be verified by other experienced Managers. At this point, we recommend only valuable books that can support the development of every manager and manager.
Today's world is full of diversity. You can draw strength from it, which we encourage you to do. In order to show the practical value of various approaches to management, we launched a series of interviews with experienced Managers and Managers entitled: 15 managerial discoveries. We ask the same questions to our interviewees, and we usually get different answers because our Heroes' experiences are different.
Presentations are the basic managerial tool. Easy to use, forcing you to present the essence of the presented topic. We hope you will appreciate our materials developed with think about accessible transfer of knowledge and equipping Managers and Managers with a practical tool ready to work. Our materials are free to download. We are asking for giving the source.